To ensure optimal energy performance and comfort for your home, it’s important to install appropriately sized equipment that will heat and/or cool your home sufficiently. Keep in mind that newly retrofitted homes may have smaller heating and cooling needs than they did prior to upgrades and renovations, particularly if you are making changes to your building envelope such as draftproofing and upgrading insulation.

If you are in the market for a new heating system be sure to ask your heating system contractor to explain how the system they are selling is appropriately sized for your home.

Here are some signs to indicate that your heating and/or cooling system may not properly sized for your home:

  • Interior Temperatures Not Maintained: If you find that some spaces in your home are not comfortably heated or cooled, your existing system might be too small to support your home’s heating or cooling demands. If you find that comfortable temperatures are difficult to maintain, you should also check your home’s air ducting or hydronic piping system to ensure that that the distribution system is balanced and that your ducts or pipes are insulated, sealed and properly connected.
  • Heating or Cooling System Short Cycles: If your heating or cooling system turns on and off frequently, it may be too large for your home. Although some people may think that bigger is better, an oversized heating or cooling system will be less energy efficient and may reduce the overall comfort of your home. The frequent on/off short cycles can also put more stress on the system’s components and shorten its lifespan.

For more information, visit the Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation.

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